MUET Speaking Test

Oh !!! my English ~
esok mc' da kena wat MUET speaking test ,
omg , nervous giler sekarang
apa patot ak buat sekarang ,
***oh pleaseee ... cool laa mek, jgn la gabra sangettt,...
xmati pun, paling tidak pun dapat ban 10.bhahahaha !
atoyai, okies2, back to da real world,...
MUET ??? apakah ??
MUET  is Malaysian University English Test is proficiency test in English Language.The test is compulsory for all STPM and Pre University students intending to futher their studies at local public or private universities. MUET comprises four components testing the language skills or listening,speaking, reading and writing. Based on their score in the best, they will be classified into six Bands, from Bands Six for a very good to Bands One for ans extremely limited user.
waaa, da mcm da ready kan nk amek muet esok, pergh, hebad giler r 2 kan

esok, mc' sato group nan 2 orng cina , diorang mesti la'lancar'  gle speaking.cannnooo niii ???
help me !
da la mc' candidate A..hurh, sabaa je la
oke, sooo uolls ~ (dengan nada selembut softlan)
kena la doa kan saya oke ???
wish me luck, k !!

selain muet , i've something to share ,
cerita ini tiada kaitan dengan muet itu yaa....

2 minggu ni , mc' ase sangat bahagia ,
sebaaaaab.... incik faiz datang melawat saya.... !
(waah, jeles x ??)
oke, incik faiz, saya sayang awak syangat2 ! huhu
imy, ily sooo much9 larh.. >.<
xtaw gapo motif letop gambr nim ...

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