Bye 19 , Hello 20 :D

wahh , kita dah 20 tahun . dah xde dah belasan ni . kita dah puluhan dah taw ? excited nye kita.... */* :3
excited sgt mc ni , :p
ye la mana tak nya , dari era belasan dah berubah ke era puluhan. hahhh , amik kau . dah tua dah mc oi , tak boleh perangai macam budak - budak dah .
bila dah masuk 20 ni macam-macam pulak yang mc pk , nak wat tu , nak wat ni
okay , bila dah masuk 20 tahun kena lah get ready dengan soalan makcik makcik yang comel2 tu haaa , kang nanti ada la yang tanya , ' dah 20 tahun dah kau nak,tua dah haa'
'bila nak kawin?'
'dah ada calon dah ?'
'bila nak merasa nasik minyak ?'
'bila nak keje?'
arghhhh , stand by !
sabooorrr je la haihhh
tapi dalam otak mc satu je
' bila nak abiz belajar ni ?'
masuk tahun baru walaupun sambutannya xperlu la disambut dengan macam-macam aktiviti , tapi bagi nc kita tetap kena ada impian, score , azam untuk tahun baru . sebab dengan adanya azam , kita akan jadi bersemangat untuk capai cita-cita. jadi , letakkan satu penanda , dan usaha lah untuk mencapai penanda yang kita pasangkan itu .
usaha lah dengan bersunguh-sunguh dengan segala kudrat yang ada . walaupun kita tak dapat capai bintang yang diimpikan , sekurang2 nya , biarlah kita capai awan dari terjelepok jatuh menyembah bumi dek kerana sikap kita sendiri . tanam kan azam , dengan berkat doa dan usaha , kita pasti berjaya .
apa azam mc ye ? nahhh, ni azam mc.
haha , azam mc. nak kawin. nak kawin. nak kawin. ekeke ^o^ gataiiii nooooo , tak de lah , semua tu mengada je , mc belajar pun tak habis lagi ni haaa mc berazam supaya 20 lebih baik dari 19. In Shaa Allah Amin Ya Rabbal'alamin and to my superb man yang senget , just be ur self , im happy that u be urself go on with ur life , grab the star for u i will love u . more and more i will always be by ur side ,
sengetkan kepala ye semua orang

Menanti Ambang 2014

Selamat Tahun Baru. 2014 dah . pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak masuk tahun lain dah yea . semua dah get ready yea , oke pape pun mc nak kongsi sikit pasal 2014 yang sangat unik . kalendar 2014 sama dengan 1947 . percaya kah anda . percaya lah.. huhu
perhatikan betul2 . dunia ni macam dan berputar ke zaman dulu kan ? mc cuma nak berkongsi jadi kan tahun hadapan tahun yang sangat bermakna bagi korang . In Shaa Allah. so , apa azam tahun baru korang yea ? semoga tercapai , letak kan azam set cita-cita , letakkan impian supaya kita lebih bersemangat dan ada hala tuju hidup. sambutan tahun baru yang sangat bermakna adalah dengan beribadat. tahajud , solat hajat bukan dengan tengok bunga api yang kaler2 tu semata-mata yea . semoga malam ini menjadi satu malam permulaan yang kedua bagi kita semua selepas tahun baru Islam. aminnn

The Wedding Breaker <3

novel ni . novel ni . dah lama mc nak beli . tapi asyik tak kesampaian je . tup tup keluar cite adaptasi novel ni. argh ! nak bace dulu baru tengok. nanti tak feeeellllll.....
takpe la , bukan buleh tengok pon kat sini. nanti balik rumah kang baru tengok .
amboi , perancangan . novel tu ! tetap kena beli.

demmm. asyik pikir pasal cerita plak. esok exam la mc. dushhhh ! tumbuk muka kuat-kuat biar sedar situasi sekarang .haha ! stressss macan mana nak kurangkan stress ni. anyway, wish me luck . tenkiuuuuu everyone anyone someone . fly fly fly kiss sikit . haha... taknak tulis panjang2 , nanti tambah stresss. ekeke .

Why Im Here ? 0.o

omg ! why im here ?? why?why? with biochemistry ?
ni sumr bukan bahagian mc, mc lemah subjek ni . :'(
aigo , tapi kenapa skor mase kat matrik ?
pelik pon ada . :'(
mc rase mc lebih kepada mengira bukan sains . kaji2 segala bagai ni .waaaaaaaa
tapi sekarang mc kna lupa kan sume tu , sebab memang my fate was with this.this.this and this.
dushhh ! belaja ajo la. bnyk songeh plak.

sebenarnya mc nak share sikit . mc ada terbaca status seorang hamba Allah tapi mc lupa sapa. dia ada cakap tak semua kita nak akan dapat . apa yang kita nak kadang2 berbahaya. kadang2 apa yang kita nak sangat tu la yang sebenarnya memusnahkan hidup kita.Allah lebih mengetahui, Dia yang meletakkan kita di satu jalan untuk kita tempuhi . dan jalan yang Dia bagi kita tempuhi sudah tentu lah jalan terbaik bagi kita . Kadang2 kita mesti terpikir , jalan terbaik ke kalau kita selalu ada masalah semasa tempuhi nya. Ya! Allah sedang menguji kita. ingat lah , Allah memberi kita kesukaran supaya kita jadi lebih kuat . Mendidik kita menjadi seorang yang kuat . seperti kata ,Salahuddin, 'aku meminta Allah memberi kegagahan, Allah telah memberi ku pelbagai ujian untuk aku menjadi lebih kuat.'

cuba kita renungkan , sebagai contoh kanak-kanak , pisau dan ubat . kanak-kanak lebih berminat dengan benda yang tajam , berbahaya bagi dia. tapi itu lah yang dia selalu nak . cuba kalau kita ambik dari tangan dia, dia pasti menangis sebab dia tak tahu apa2 dan anggap pisau itu barang mainan. tapi itu lah yang terbaik untuk dia, biarkan dia menangis dari terus terluka. kita tengok pulak, kanak-kanak dengan ubat . kanak-kanak sangat2 tak suka ubat,  tapi kita paksa dia makan , supaya dia lebih sihat.kadang2 sampai terpaksa bukak mulut , biarkan dia menangis demi kebaikan dia. kerana kita tahu itu terbaik untuk dia . begitulah juga realiti hidup kita, apa yang kita nak tapi tak dapat dan Allah tak beri pada kita . Allah lebih mengetahui . BERSYUKURLAH !

# mc pun sedang berusaha untuk menerima biochemistry --'

Da' Lost Song

ur dream is all what u want . not me.
u have put alot of effort on it . u have put all of ur life in that . but am i the reason that make u easily left it behind ? am i the reason that cause u destroy all u dream . if i am the REASON why u choose this wrong way. i know u will regret it. u have been in a long journey to achieve it . and u just throw it away just because of a person that never appreciate u at all.
if i have to choose wether i have to take u away from ur dream or let u go to make u can grab it again . i will LET YOU GO .
so u will choose the way that will make ur life shine rather than choose me.
when u tell me that u GOT it .
just open ur eyes , think of ur future
its big sky , hard sky
sky of small cold stars .
u got a star for me ?
i know , i cant comfort u . i cant give u all what u want . but still i dont want to destroy u dream. its hurt me so much .my heart hurts more than broken bone . more than crash and burn.
be u still alive ?are you going to choose IT ?
that little light of urs , just let it shine .

realy realy realy full of love,
ur sweet sweet girl

p/s :broken ! broken ! broken english . =='

Kisah Jururawat dan Pesakit Islam | True story

Assalamualaikum daan Salam Sejahtera , hari ni mc nak share2 cerita pasal seorang jururawat dengan pesakit Islam, sebenarnya dah lama mc baca cerita ni , tapi hari ni tetiba rasa nak kongsi cerita ni , mungkin ada antara korang yang dah tahu , bagi yang dah tahu , ambillah iktibar dari cerita ni , bagi yang belum tahu baca cerita ni sampai habis, sangat menyentuh jiwa seorang Muslim yang sejati , mc harap cerita yang mc nak kongsi ni dapat memberi banyak manfaat kepada kita semua sebagai umat Islam dan terus beramal dengan ikhlas.

My name is Cassie, I am 23 years old. I graduated as a qualified nurse this year and was given my first position as a home nurse.

My patient was an English gentleman in his early 80s who suffered from Alzheimer’s. In the first meeting, the patient was given his record and from it I could see that he was a convert to the religion of Islam, therefore he was a Muslim.

I knew from this that I would need to take into account some modes of treatment that may go against his faith, and therefore try to adapt my care to meet his needs. I brought in some ‘halal’ meat to cook for him and ensured that there was no pork or alcohol in the premises as I did some research which showed that these were forbidden in Islam.

My patient was in a very advanced stage of his condition so a lot of my colleagues could not understand why I was going through so much effort for him. But I understood that a person who commits to a faith deserves that commitment to be respected, even if they are not in a position to understand.

Anyway after a few weeks with my patient I began to notice some patterns of movement.

At first I thought it was some copied motions he’s seen someone doing, but I saw him repeat the movement at particular time; morning, afternoon, evening.

The movements were to raise his hands, bow and then put his head to the ground. I could not understand it. He was also repeating sentences in another language, I couldn’t figure out what language it was as his speech was slurred but I know the same verses were repeated daily.

Also there was something strange, he didn’t allow me to feed him with my left hand (I am left-handed).

Somehow I knew this linked to his religion but didn’t know how.

One of my colleagues told me about paltalk as a place for debates and discussions and as I did not know any Muslims except for my patient I thought it would be good to speak to someone live and ask questions. I went on the Islam section and entered the room ‘True Message’.

Here I asked questions regarding the repeated movements and was told that these were the actions of prayer. I did not really believe it until someone posted a link of the Islamic prayer on youtube.

I was shocked.

A man who has lost all memory of his children, of his occupation, and could barely eat and drink was able to remember not only actions of prayer but verses that were in another language.

This was nothing short of incredible and I knew that this man was devout in his faith, which made me want to learn more in order to care for him the best I could.

I came into the paltalk room as often as I could and was given a link to read the translation of the Quran and listen to it.

The chapter of the ‘Bee’ gave me chills and I repeated it several times a day.

I saved a recording of the Quran on my iPod and gave it to my patient to listen to, he was smiling and crying, and in reading the translation I could see why.

I applied what I gained from paltalk to care for my patient but gradually found myself coming to the room to find answers for myself.

I never really took the time to look at my life; I never knew my father, my mother died when I was 3, me and my brother were raised by our grandparents who died 4 years ago, so now its just the two of us.

But despite all this loss, I always thought I was happy, content.

It was only after spending time with my patient that felt like I was missing something. I was missing that sense of peace and tranquility my patient, even through suffering felt.

I wanted that sense of belonging and a part of something that he felt, even with no one around him.

I was given a list of mosques in my area by a lady on paltalk and went down to visit one. I watched the prayer and could not hold back my tears.

I felt drawn to the mosque every day and the imam and his wife would give me books and tapes and welcome any questions I had.

Every question I asked at the mosque and on paltalk was answered with such clarity and depth that could do nothing but accept them.

I have never practiced a faith but always believed that there was a God; I just did not know how to worship Him.

One evening I came on paltalk and one of the speakers on the mic addressed me. He asked me if I have any questions, I said no. He asked if I was happy with the answers I was given, I said yes.

He asked then what was stopping me accepting Islam, I could not answer.

I went to the mosque to watch the dawn prayer. The imam asked me the same question, I could not answer.

I then went to tend to my patient, I was feeding him and as I looked in his eyes I just realized, he was brought to me for a reason and the only thing stopping me from accepting was fear.... not fear in the sense of something bad, but fear of accepting something good, and thinking that I was not worthy like this man.

That afternoon I went to the mosque and asked the imam if I could say my declaration of faith, the Shahadah.: lā ilāha illà al-Lāh, Muhammadun rasūlu Al-Lāh.  There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.

He helped me through it and guided me through what I would need to do next.

I cannot explain the feeling I felt when I said it.

It was like someone woke me up from sleep and sees everything more clearly.

The feeling was overwhelming joy, clarity and most of all.... peace.

The first person I told was not my brother but my patient.

I went to him, and before I even opened my mouth he cried and smiled at me.

I broke down in front of him, I owed him so much.

I came home logged on to paltalk and repeated the shahadah for the room.

They all helped me so much and even though I had never seen a single one of them, they felt closer to me than my own brother.

I did eventually call my brother to tell him and although he wasn’t happy, he supported me and said he would be there, I couldn’t ask for any more.

After my first week as a Muslim my patient passed away in his sleep while I was caring for him. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

He died a peaceful death and I was the only person with him.

He was like the father I never had and he was my doorway to Islam.

From the day of my Shahadah to this very day and for every day for as long as I live, I will pray that Allah shows mercy on him and grant him every good deed I perform in the tenfold.

I loved him for the sake of Allah and I pray each night to become an atoms weight of the Muslim he was.

Islam is a religion with an open door; it is there for those who want to enter it.... Verily Allah is the Most Merciful, Most Kind.

* Note * Our sister Cassie passed away October 2010 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, after she gave da’wa to her brother, who had accepted Islam Alhamdulillah.
 “His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.” - Surah Al-Hadid 57:2

Alhamdulillah , :"D  semoga Allah merahmati mereka dan menempatkan mereka dikalangan mereka yang beriman . Amin

kelantan , im coming .

cehhh. entry mcm pes time datang kelantan je. padahal dah beribu riban kali dah mai sini. mana tak nye . dari kaki tu merah. tangan sebesar kacang bijik tu haaa. haha. melampau ... dah memang darah cik siti wan kembang tu mengalir dan terus berkembang dalam salur darah . urat belirat . saraf2 ... nampak tak betapa pure nye mc ni jadi anak kelantan. ok dah jauh menyimpang .
sebenarnya , im on my way to my lovely home. rumah manis rumah.haha
sukanya .sukanya....
im coming coming home. tell da world im coming home.
tengah2 boring tetiba rasa nak tulis entry , sebabbb sumbat je earfon buruk mc tu dalam telinga ni terus bukak lagu tetiba plak tomok nyanyi lagu aku datang kat mc. wee seronoknya. hehee . bajet.bajetttt
hmm. takpenah dengar ? sebabkan mc post guna fon so susah la nak upload video . so try la search. lagu dalam cite istanbul , aku datang. okay dah.dah.dahhh .dah berkurunnn kot cite tu . femos amos plak tu. xkan la korang xpernah tengok kan ?

Aku datang kepadamu
Aku datang mencarimu
Tapi kau pergi dariku
Bagai bayu di jari jari ku
Aku datang dengan rindu
Aku datang dengan pilu
Tapi kau terus membisu
Bagai bintang dingin menjauh
Ke manakah perginya kasih kita
Ke manakah hilangnya erti setia
Berlari ku mengejar
Namun cahayanya makin pudar
Ke manakah harusku bawa cinta
Ke manakah harus ku cari syurga
Andai bukan kepadamu
Ke mana lagi harus ku tuju
Ke manakah perginya kasih kitaKe manakah hilangnya erti setia
Berlari ku mengejar
Namun cahayanya makin pudar
Ke manakah harusku bawa cinta
Ke manakah harus ku cari syurga
Andai bukan kepadamu
Ke mana lagi harus ku tuju
Aku datang kepadamu

nahhh amik setepek mc bagi lirik lagu nye . ekekeke.
macam ada maksud jeee. macam ada je.macam ada je...
ehemmm. lagu ni mc dengar dan memang ada maksud tersirat , tersurat , terserat dan berselirat .haha
lu pikir laa sendiri.
kali ni mc balik naik bas je. takde flight2 dah .bukan anak tan sri nih nak naik flight je memanjang . tapi memang best sangat lahh bas ni. nak promot sikit . mana tak nye . tempat duduk luas. lepas tu kan. jeng..jeng..jeng... ada plug and wifi . amboi kuno nye mc. mc baru taw.huhu .. tapi best la macam ni . boleh surf intenet ... boleh cas ... tiada lagi masalah .haha
namunnn. ada jugak la problem sikit dalam ni . ada pulak minah dengan mamat ni duk berasmara dana dalam bas . dah la depan mc je. geram plak mc nak hempuk kepala dua2 ekor ni haa. kalu ikot kan hati dah lama dah mc hempuk .biar dia taw sikit . budak kecik yang duk sebelah diorang boleh mintak tukar dengan makcik depan dia . hadoiii laaaa. pelik2 betul lahaiii . kesian budak tu . tapi bagus jugak , pandai betul budak tu. haha. ada ke patut buat aksi melampau depan kanak2 . walau gelap pun agak2 laaa . tempat awam.menyampahnye. geram taw. kalau ada baldi kat tepi ni dah lama dah mc rungkup je kepala dua2 ekor manusia ni. heishh...

okay lah . sambung tido .nunite .

bubye tenis

finally , tamat sudah hayat ku bersama tenis . seminggu berlatih dengan partner ku.seminggu ke?? tenkiu partner. lebiu lah partner. tadi tamat sudah tournament mc . nasib tak berapa baik . dapat masuk suku akhir je. ok lah tu .ngeh3 .
penat wooo nyahh . dari pagi sampai tengah hari . tapi sebab mc dah kalah . terpaksa la mc jadi pengadil plak . hahaha
lepas tu tgk sepasang couple foreigner , sepasang lagi . couple lagi. aigooo. diorang tgh main tenis kat court sebelah. sweet gituuu.dah la comel. jeles nye lahaii... oke hari ni sebenarnya ada something jadik and buat mood mc hilang melayang2 terbang ke angkasa kemudian hilang entah dimana . hehe
tapi mc hepi kn diri supaya semangat mc nak main datang balik. mc g main guna kasut my superb man mc yg bongok tu . then terus semangat nak main tu membara bara . hehe . tapi dah terpaksa pulak g court jalan kaki. dah la court tu jauh sebatuuuu nuhhh haaa . longgar habis segala skru yg ada kat tubuh mc.
tapi xpe . sebab last kuatkan la jugak semangat untuk pegi ke court tenissssss !

congratez PMRians !

attention !attention ! mc nk mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua calin PMR dgn result anda. I'm sure datz u all got an excellent results. of course la kan. 3 tahun strunggle . untuk 2 jam je jawab satu paper .haha
mesti semua nervous mase nak ambik result tadi kan ?
mc pun same dulu . mc nervous sangat. masa perjlnn pergi maktab mc rase risau sangat takut dapat result tak elok. kitorang bertolak dari rumah lepas subuh untuk sampai awal kat maktab.maklumla perjalanan dari kelantan ke gerik ambik masa berjam-jam jugak kan. bila sampai terus pergi ke meja penyerahan keputusan. then , bila dapat.waaaahhh ! ALHAMDULILLAH. whats a relief .then , mc dapat sambung kat MRSM PC. dekat sgt la dgn rumah mc. hehe
anyway .congratez kepada semua xcalon PMR ,kepada yang tak berapa nak hepy dgn kptsn dia,bersyukurlah.walaupun korang xdapat apa yg korang nak sekarang , mc yakin keputusan ni akan membangkitkan semangat korang untuk lebih berusaha untuk SPM kelak. FIGHTING!!!

lol ~

now reporting on a bus ,asiahrazali a friend of alep waniye .today is a fairy tale and an adventurous day .we had so much fun and fatigue-ness .well,we're kind of new in the city so we discovered a lot of a baby that is so innocent and cute :p well ,enough of me babbling here.i should let wanie post her own entry .bye sweety :*

so,wani said she is too lazy to post her own entry and she

kerja amal | shopping sini :3

salam jumaat semua... sebenarnya my sis mintak tolong mc jual kan baju ni kat kawan2 mc , mc jual kat blog sekali,
baju ni sesuai untuk lelaki dan perempuan , kalau yang mana nak beli set untuk dia dan boyfie pun bolehhhh,
mari... mari...mari... mari beli....
haha , heish , susah jugak nak meniaga ni , ihik
harga nya x mahal pun , RM25 sehelai x termasuk postage :D

jika berminat boleh la directly pm sini

polo couple ni - RM90 sepasang

tu je dulu , untuk selebihnya boleh la intai2 kat Amsyar Mimi